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Call 309-594-2422 for available services. The lobby is open 24 hours. Counter hours are posted on the front door.

Neponset Public Library

201 W Commercial Street



Neponset Grade School


Neponset Grade School is part of the Kewanee Community Unit School District #229.

Community Building

Yearly activities include elections, blood drives, flu shots, community fundraisers, wedding receptions, family reunions, town meetings, organization meetings, funeral luncheons, graduations, memorial Day ceremonies, etc. Call Village office to get information on renting.

Scott Park

The land for Scott Park was donated in 1882. The Bandstand was built in 1919. Scott Park is used for band concerts, ice cream socials, church outings, and picnics, and much more.


Bertelsen M.D. Memorial Park

This park was established in the heart of the Village in 2010. At the cross roads of 2nd Street and Commercial this park offers a small gazebo and a bench tucked in between trees and bushes.

Neponset Fire Protection District

The Neponset Fire Protection District is an all volunteer unit, consisting of 25-30 active firemen. The Station is located at 205 W Commercial Street in Neponset. It houses two pump trucks, two 4-wheel drive trucks for grass fires, and large equipment truck and a tanker truck. A second statio is located in Osceola with one pump truck. The meetings are the last Monday of every month. Trainings are the first Wednesday of every month. The Fire District averages 20-25 calls per year. Volunteers are welcome! Please contact a current fireman or call Chief John Blake at 309-853-685.

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